Topo Map showing location of Frampton's Hut
This information is sourced from DoC, LINZ and Openstreetmap. Some of the hut photos are mine and the rest are from DoC. I will be adding an upload feature soon so people can photos of .Frampton's Hut.
Basic info: six-bunk, standard hut located in Northland's Waima Forest.
Latitude: -35.5120728519
Longitude: 173.472813932
Location: Waima & Mataraua Forests
Area: Northland
Type of Hut: Standard
Tracks: Hauturu Highpoint Track
Map: AW27 Topo Map | Road Map
Does this hut still exist? Have any more information? Contact
Basic info: six-bunk, standard hut located in Northland's Waima Forest.
Latitude: -35.5120728519
Longitude: 173.472813932
Location: Waima & Mataraua Forests
Area: Northland
Type of Hut: Standard
Tracks: Hauturu Highpoint Track
Map: AW27 Topo Map | Road Map
Does this hut still exist? Have any more information? Contact

Image: DoC
Scroll down to see a topographical map and road map showing the location of Frampton's Hut

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Closest 20 Huts to Frampton's Hut
These are as the crow fliesPuketi Forest Hut 44.29km Lane Cove Hut 60.31km Tangihua Hut 68.79km Motukawanui Hut 70.24km Tangihua Lodge 72.78km Cape Brett Hut 86.51km Peach Cove Hut 105.92km Ongaruanuku Hut 181.85km Kaiaraara Hut 187.22km Mt Heale Hut 190.57km Piggotts Hut 231.41km Crosbies Hut 255.93km Pinnacles Hut 263.15km Daly's Clearing Hut 300km Mangakino Shelter 301.64km Waitawheta Hut 305.99km Wairoa Shelter 309.65km Pahautea Hut 311.34km Te Rereatukahia Hut 312.3km Motutapere Hut 315.83km Kauritatahi Hut 320.57km Mangamuka Hut 332.78km Ngamuwahine Shelter 333.05km Hurunui Hut 337.14km Hamilton Tomo Group Hut 337.56km Leitchs Hut 344.68km Wildlife Hut 363.82km Bog Inn Hut 391.41km Rerekapa Hut 396.25km Wairua Hut 401.04km Waihaha Hut 401.06km Hauhungaroa Hut 403.02km Pouakai Hut 416.98km Ohuraiti Hut 417.66km Kaiauai Shelter 417.96km Holly Hut 420.37km Maketawa Hut 422.79km Kahui Hut 423.26km Waiweranui Trust Hut 424.43km Syme Hut 425.48km